“I told you so”

If there’s one thing I HATE to hear from my wife, my sister growing up, or anyone else is this, “I told you so”. But that’s what we hear from ourselves every time we choose NOT to listen to what God.

They rejected my advice and paid no attention when I corrected them. Therefore, they must eat the bitter fruit of living their own way, choking on their own schemes. (Proverbs 1:30-31 NLT)

It happens all the time, you desire: a relationship, non-confrontation, a job, a certain way of doing things, the easy way out… You KNOW in your mind this wont work, but you listen to the quiet lie of the devil, “This is much easier, you deserve it, it will work out fine.” Then, it doesn’t, and you hear from yourself those words we all hate… “I told you so”.

We can skip the heartache if we will LISTEN to the Holy Spirit. It may not be the easy thing to do. It may not be the most convenient. It may not be the cheapest. But its the wisest thing to do. God sees down the road, we can’t. Save yourself the frustration. Listen to God and follow, no matter how hard it may “seem” to be.

You KNOW what the right thing to do is. Make the decision. Do it.

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