The second thought

Today was my daughters graduation, there was an older gentleman who would not shut up as they were giving out awards! I was tempted to throw a hymnal at him. I refrained, but what if I didn’t? Though it would have felt good momentarily, I would have regretted it.

Have you ever done something and immediately regretted it? Or better yet said something, then wished you could take the words back. For me it’s not hitting send on that tweet, Facebook post, or Email. Chances are something within told us not to, but we ignored it. I’m guilty of this for sure.

If you have to think twice about something, go with the second thought. You know the one that says, “Hey this isn’t the wisest thing”? If we’d listen to that voice, it would be to our benefit. For some its their conscience, for those who are in Christ, its the Holy Spirit.

Don’t think three times about it, usually the second thought is enough. The more you think about it, the easier it is to rationalize it. You can try to make things right, but you can never undo, what’s been done or said.

Next time you’re tempted to do something, say something, tweet something, post something to Facebook, or send that email you’ll regret, take advantage of the second thought & avoid that regret.

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