People don’t learn what you preach, they learn what your passionate about

Last week I was following the twitter hashtags from a conference in North Carolina. D. A. Carson said this, “Students don’t learn what your teach, they learn what your passionate about.”

This doesn’t just apply to professors… It applies to: pastors, elders, parents, coaches, supervisors, and anyone else trying to lead. It’s not what we PREACH, it’s what we’re PASSIONATE about. Dont get me wrong, content matters, doctrine matters, but just because you communicate something doesnt mean people get it. You can’t tell your children to ______, unless your passionate about doing the same thing. We live in a translucent society. People can see right through us.

The next time you want to get your point across, ask yourself this question: “Do I believe this? Do I believe it enough to DO what I’m asking others to do?” Dont just tell them, SHOW them. As Johnny Hunt says, “Things are better caught than taught.” Maybe the reason others aren’t living up to your expectations is because you aren’t.

When they see you doing the same, they’ll follow.

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